It’s said that drought hit this area sage Agasthya came here to perform Yagna to please the rain god. During the yagna demon Kumbhasura started bothering the sages. To rescue the sages Bhima killed the giant Kumba at this place with the help of a sword (Asi) blessed by Lord Ganesh, so the place is named as Kumbashi and Ganesha is being worshipped here. Lot of people visit this temple every day, the crowd is very much on Ganesh Chaturthi. I remember coming to this temple every year on Ganesh chaturthi with dad, mom and my sister. It’s a nice place to visit and have some peace of mind. eautiful sceanary,a peaceful climate,tall green trees ,a far away vision of the western ghats on one side and on the opposite side a sight of the arabian sea increases the attraction of this area. The harihara and suryanarayana temples are also beautiful with a pond in Harihara temple.
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